Refund Policy
If you are not satisfied with our products we are offering a refund. Simply fill the form below or send us an email at
If you wish to return the product/products you purchased, we’re happy to accept them back as soon as they meet the following criteria:
- The condition of the item is like we shipped it to you. (When it comes to our pedals, it has to be in a brand new condition, without any scratches or any marks etc. When it comes to items like t-shirts or merch, the item should not be used. We can’t accept an item or a piece of clothing that you used!)
- You have to cover the shipping costs for any items you want to return. We won’t cover any shipping costs for any returns. Please contact us to find out more.
- You can to pack your order exactly as you received it, with the proper box and any tags or cards that the box might contain.
- We will issue a refund as soon as we inspect the item/items you send us back and we will refund you the original price you paid only if the item is in the same condition as you received it.
- If you want to get a refund for a product that hasn’t arrived to you yet, you’ll have to receive the item and then ship it back to us. We’ll issue the refund once we receive and inspect the item! Contact us if you have any questions.
Please, allow up to 3 business days to review your refund. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
*These terms can change anytime by us. Make sure to read these carefully.